外企英语面试注意事项 引用

2018-03-03 20:28 作者 : 围观 : TAG标签:

一、 回避硬伤的三项注意事项
1. 回答语速切莫过快
2. 自由讨论应当直白
3 .电话面试充分准备
  如果采用电话面试,而且你提前知道了电话面试的时间,则可以在面试时把、cover letter放在你旁边的桌子上,直接运用里面的句子回答问题。

二、 外企面试一般包括三轮
例1:Q: Would you please say something about yourself?


  或者:What can you tell me about yourself?
    A: Do you want me to talk about my personal life or to say something about the job?
例2:Q: Why should I hire you?
     A: With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.
例3:I: What provide you with a sense of accomplishment?
     A: Doing my best job for your company.
例4:I: How do you handle your failure?
     A: None of us was born "perfenct". I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake.

例5: I: What is the most important in your life now?
     A: To get a job in my field is most important to me . To secure empolyment hopefully with your company. I hope to demonstrate my ability and telents in my field adequately.
例6: I: How long would you like to stay with this company?
     A: I will stay as long as I can continue to learn and to grow in my field.
例7: I: What range of pay-scale are you interested in?
     A: Money is important, but the responsibility that goes along with this job is what interests me the most.
例8: I:Do you know what involved in a position like this?
     A: Yes. I know exactly what's involved. I am a harder worker and will perform to the best of my ability.

三、 职业三个核心要素
1. 专业技能(Professional Skills)
2. 工作成就,业绩(Achievements)
3. 工作经练(Working Experience) 求职信息

四、 谈吐的3P原则
1. 信心(Confidence)代表着一个人在事业中的精神状态和把握工作的热忱以及对自己能力的正确认知。
2. 突出个性,就是把自己与众不同的特点发挥出来,强调自己的专业与能力。
3. 语气中肯,就是要事实求是,不要言过其实,夸夸其谈,也不要涉及和自己无关的事情。

五、 三类肢体语言
1. Body Language(肢体语言)
2. Eye Contact(眼神交流)
3. Active Listener(做一个积极的聆听者)

Possible questions may occur in the interview:
1. What are your strong points/advantages/good at?
2. What are your shortcomings/weak points?
3. How do your friends describe you?
4. Why do you come to our company?
5. How dou you know our company?

6. What's your first impression of our company?
7. How much salary do you want to ask for this post?
8. What do you think of your fomer boss/college?
9. What's your design in the future 5 years?
10.Could you talk about your family?
11.What qualities should a good secretary/salesperson/assistant have?
12.What does a secretary do/interpret/salesgirl/supervisor do?
13.What do ypu think of your college life?
14.Please describe your ideal boss?
15.What profits can you bring to us?
16.What do you think of job hopping?
17.What will your education received in the college contribute to your work?


  今天, 老师将通过案例的方式教教大家如何用英语进行自我介绍。在面试中,经常会有一些中式英语出现,这里说的不是指不专业的表达,而是中国学生引以为傲的学生会主席、四六级证书,可能老外根本听不懂你在说什么哦~先来看看,你在自我介绍时一定要说的一些基础信息吧: 求职信息

  Many people believe you should boast and over emphasis your abilities,still others think you should remain composed; they are both wrong. Beassertive not aggressive, find a middle way between boasting and passivity. Theinterviewer has only around thirty minutes to decide if you are the person forthe job. In this time you need to stress your key strengths and relevant pastachievements. At the right moments in the conversation, take the lead and steerthe interview in the direction you want. Ask a question about the job and afterthe interviewer has replied, answer yourself, linking your strengths andachievements. Reflect your qualities back to the job you are applying for.Employers are not so interested that this is a good opportunity for you but,rather, how your competencies are tailor made for their job offer.




  Job interviews are stressful; most of us are not sales people and yet, inorder to secure a job, we have to sell ourselves. Selling our skills issomething we can learn how to do and a key to this is to be proactive.Proactive means to anticipate potential problems and difficulties and much ofthis can be achieved through preparation and organisation. Think about yourselling points and what makes you the best candidate for the job. You need tomatch your skills to the job expectations and to be aware of the philosophy andvision of the company. You must also be prepared for the common mistakes peoplemake in interviews. 面试问题





  针对近年时政热点、难点问题进行学习。平时多关注时事热点,并进行深入分析,可多参阅人民网、新华网等主流官网的社论文章,帮助培养客全面的思维方式。 求职面试



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